Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said that a designer knows they have achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. That seems to be the mantra of the interior designer Ana Tena, who designs –from her studio in San Sebastián– exceptionally beautiful spaces in which there is nothing left over nor is there anything to add.
After studying interior design and furniture design, she worked for years as an industrial designer; an experience that has allowed her to make the leap to fixture and object design (for example, she has just created some cutting boards for the Palmadera company). And that is precisely the factor that differentiates her work from that of her colleagues: Ana Tena creates spaces in their entirety, designing not only the floors, walls, and ceilings but also many of the pieces of furniture that breathe life into her projects (tables, dressers, mailboxes, jewelry, plates, etc.) – alternating, of course, with signature pieces by other designers as well.
The interiors created by her have a recognizable, functional, simple, and timeless style, although she also designs spaces adapted to the tastes (which are sometimes quite marked) of her customers. In the 12 years that she has been an interior designer, she has renovated one house and two villas in the center of Madrid; a second residence in Baqueira; and eight houses, three tourist apartments and three offices in San Sebastián. She has also carried out numerous partial projects.
Whether constructing a new villa or carrying out a highly complex technical renovation, she collaborates with architect Katrin Marrero. The results of this team speak for themselves: homes that are a suit tailored to the client; unique spaces created with fine materials that combine current industrial techniques and craftsmanship.
Photograph: José Luis López de Zubiría
Ana Tena
Tel.: +34 626 603 635